Mrs. Barnes Class Information

Rules:                                                    Consequences:

1. Have fun in class.                                                                                     1. Verbal warning

2. Be respectful to everyone in the class.                                                    2.  Note home/email home

3.  Be successful.                                                                                         3Extra Assignment on why the behavior isn't acceptable.

                                                                                                                         Due the next day. 

                                                                                                                    4.  Sent to office


Home work passes for following rules, earn a popcorn and Sprite day, and earn a piece of candy to eat in class. Whole class pizza parties or icecream days. School is fun! Let's enjoy our time together so that we all can be successful.


Come See Me For Help:

Don't understand something, come see me during lunch. Still need some time, schedule a before or after school meeting to have personalized tutoring time. I am here to help you be successful.